We revere all Creations of our Creator. We share with joy our beautiful Earth and our Universe with all sentient beings.
We give back to our community through various outreach programs. We cultivate gratitude by 'pay-it-forward', recognize purpose-driven work by principle-centered local business-owners and entrepreneurs, support our extended families and share inspiring stories of our beloved Teachers.
We also remember our friends and families who support us with their love, kindness and thoughtfulness.

I have started Christmas Food Drive to ‘pay-it-forward’ since 2009 in India. As an International Student in the US, I spent my holidays with Mr. & Mrs. Rahn, Gaila Brandon, Katie Bishop, Suzanne Andrews and their respective families. They all opened their homes and heart to me. They treated me as one of their own. For me, Christmas Food Drive is to celebrate the day with Christ consciousness. I prepare food trays and sometimes give shawls for those who need – homeless, destitute, sick, and differently-abled. My family and friends support me on this.

In 2021, I have nominated 24 individuals and social organizations during COVID-19 pandemic in India. These individuals and organizations represent different sections of the society. All of them served with humility, generosity, thoughtfulness, kindness to ensure well-being for all. They went above and beyond their call of duty. The goal is to recognize those individuals who are sustaining our society and ensuring to keep humanity alive. Nominated individuals and organizations would be recognized with a Certificate and their stories would be widely shared in social media.

Mr. Osborn was one of my father-figures during my college days in Brewton Parker College (BPC) in the U.S. Mrs. Dorothy Osborn worked at BPC’s Career Services. Mrs. Osborn once took me to her home. That’s how, I met him. He was a kind, loving and caring gentleman. Then, I often visited them on weekends. He would write to me and tell me stories about his Native American heritage. There was a strong heart-centered bond between us. The money I will earn through my work in the Americas (US and Canada), I want to share a percentage of it with Mrs. Osborn to do the duty of a child towards his/her parents. I also aspire to open a Scholarship in his memory for college education of young Native American women.

Teacher’s Day Celebration is in honor of my beloved Teacher, Dr. William Said. Dr. Said was my Biology Professor at Brewton-Parker College, USA. I remember him fondly for his love, care and warmth for us, his students. Even after two decades, he still has our pictures and would often show these to us. He was so enthusiastic about his subject to the point Biology came alive even more. We would give Certificate of Appreciation to beloved Teachers for creating a place in the student’s heart and to instill in them the spirit of inquiry and joy of life-long learning.
Additionally, we will continue to offer one-time pro bono service in any of these areas to selected individuals, as and when time permits. The areas are career guidance, mentorship, entrepreneurship, and leadership development. We would appreciate to receive testimonial(s) from them.
We thank our friends and well-wishers
In 2005, Ivelina (Eva) Savov and I met in NYC. We were working then. Our friendship evolved over the years. We managed to stay in touch by email. She gave me money to do our annual Christmas Food Drive in and around Kolkata in her and her daughter, Ava's name. So, I did 2021 Christmas Food Drive on behalf of them. The remaining money I will be using for future humanitarian work in and around Bengal including future Christmas Food Drives.
Chiradeep Bhattacharya is my former colleague. Over a period of time, we became good friends and he is my cheerleader. He had been a constant source of encouragement for our work.